Name: Rathod nirali
Roll No: 33
Paper no : Renaissance literature
Topic : Dr. Faustus as a Tragedy
Enrolment no: 2069108420190039
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Submitted to : smt.SB.Gardi department of English
Introduction: Christopher Marlowe’s play Doctor Faustus portrays the
titular character on a pursuit of knowledge that ultimately leads his downfall.
Faustus makes an error of judgment in making a pact with Lucifer, which brings
about not only his death but the to damnation of his soul.
The Tragical history of his life and death of doctor Faustus,
commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus is Elizabethan tragedy by
Christopher marlow,based on German story .
The title character faust,that was written sometime between
1589 and 1592, and night have been performed between 1592 and Marlow’s death in
1593.two different versions of the play were published in Jacobean era, several
Jeers later.
Introduction of the Author
Christopher Marlow also known as kit Marlow.
Marlow has born in 26 Feb, 1564, Canterbury Kent, England. He was an English
playwright poet and translator of the Elizabethan era. Marlowe was the foremost
Elizabethan tragedian of his day. He greatly influenced William Shakespeare,
who was born in the same year as Marlow region of Elizabeth .
His father john Marlow was a shoemaker and the family must
have been quite well because Christopher was sent to kings school. When Christopher
Marlowe was born Canterbury probably had a population of over 4,000. It would
seen no more than a village but by Elizabethan standards it was a respectable.
In the 16th century England the renaissance. The
cultural movement that revived interest in classical art and literature reached
However England is deeply divided in the 16th
century. Introduced a moderate Protestantism.
What is tragedy:
“ A
tragedy, then, is the imitation of an action that is serious and also, as
having magnitude, complete in itself, in language with pleasurable access
sories,each kind brought in separately in the parts of the work; in a dramatic,
not in a narrative form; within cadets arousing pity and fear, wherewith to
accomplish its catharsis of such emotions.” By Aristotle….
Tragedy is a form of drama based on human suffering that
invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in audience. Many culture have
developed forms that provoke this paradoxical response, the term tragedy often
refers to a specific tradition of drama has played unique and important role
historically in the self definition of western civilization.
Dr Faustus as a tragedy
Tragedy is defined as a drama and
literary thing in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers sorrow
especially as a consequence of tragic flaw, moral weakness or inability to cope
with unfavorable circumstances. In this play “DOCTOR FAUSTUS” Marlowe present
his main character as a tragic hero.
Understanding of Christopher Marlowe’s Elizabethan tragedy,
Dr Faustus , can be framed in term of the renaissance philosophy and the
Elizabethan tragedy ,which take a
different turn some points from the Aristotelian tragedy, for instance death of
the tragic hero. Dr. Faustus demonstrates the renaissance philosophy that pits
the dichotomy of good angelic humanity against evil. Marlowe’s play is a model
of the Elizabethan tragedy.
Marlowe constructed the character of Dr. Faustus to represent
within himself both characteristics of the renaissance view of humanity as
divinely good and helishphly evil. First, Dr Faustus is presented as a scholar
of all things including divinity, the highest Renaissance scholarly discipline.
Then, Faustus is shown as dissatisfied with the limitations of humanity and
grasping for unlimited knowledge, which is Biblical allusion to Adam and Eve
who ate of the Tree of knowledge. Throughout the play .Faustus descends to
lower and lower planes of knowledge in his pursuit for the “power” and
“omnipotence” that come from knowledge. Dr. Faustus also represent classic
Elizabethan tragedy. First the tragic hero has a flaw or makes an error in
judgment that lead to his own doom. It’s hard to say whether Faustus had a fatal
flaw in his character or whether he is doomed by a faulty understanding that
lead to a fatally disastrous error of judgment. All along the way, Faustus has
doubts and hesitatation which speaks for a integrity of his moral character .he
did not reckon the power of evil highly enough, that he thought that with
omnipotent knowledge he could free himself from the chains of evil around
Dr Faustus as a Tragic
Hero: Drama is always relies on the
character as well as character in action. Drama is dialogues and actions, drama
take a figure of Tragedy, comedy, Tragic and etc. if certain dialogues and
action as expression are solemnly
depicted on the stage, it make the main character of the drama as a tragic one.
Dramatist’s treatment with hero makes him serious as well as so much pathetic
that one should say that is tragic drama.
term ‘Tragedy ‘encompasses certain point that are hamartia, catharsis,
sensational incidents, and sudden panic and at the end death is the ultimate
reality. Whether Dr.Faustus by Christopher Marlowe is tragic or not perplexes
us, because the play is old as well as very relevant to modern times. Which
concept should be applied to it? Common man is the chief character in the new
generation. Aristotle asserts that the hero should be good, realistic, moral man
while modern perspective is something different. Good and evil qualities are
the sign of modern drama.
Dr.Faustus is, somehow, not too much good & bed. He is an
amalgam of good and evil qualities. His mind is more compelled towards evil
path. So it is now enough easy to prove him as a tragic hero.
The debate regarding “Dr.Faustus” as a tragic drama is taken
into consideration because it taken into clash between Age of Renaissance and
medieval age, morality, several Christian concepts, values and worldly
knowledge which is divinely oriented, Extreme hunger of gaining.
Faustus was indeed, intelligent, knowledgeable, philosopher
because he read most of the books but he was not a truly moral man. He aspires
to utilize his power, plumb the any story of the universe and to remakes the
map of Europe. Marlowe has made him the tragic hero by Christian concepts but
not from modern perspective. He wants to try to enhance Faustus great pang and
pain by Christian values. If we see in history of literature countable
dramatist might have shown a tragic downfall of the protagonist who has
knowledge of the world no doubt he so patients but his horizons seems narrow.
Everything is possible to him but his yearning is somehow sapped.
In the age of Renaissance god was replaced by men and Faustus
has rejected the importance of god. He favors of men that should be at the
center. Even being a man of Renaissance, Faustus is a modern example of the
current age.
Faustus fearful mind starts creating illusion of Christ’s
blood. He dreams that god would forgive him but that was out of control. He is
clearly wrecked with remorse, yet he is not longer seemed to be able atone for.
Faustus cannot bear the reality. He does not wish to die. He becomes like a
madman. There is a failure of Christianity at the end of the drama because
Faustus fails to repent.
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