Thursday, January 23, 2020

thinking activity : in the context of a Grain of Wheat

In Robinson Crusoe, Robinson is master and Friday is slave. He become slave because Robinson saves his life. and Robinson believes in Christianity. That's why he also taught Christianity to Friday.and Robinson becomes colonizer and Friday becomes colonized.

Throughout the history of mankind there has always been an individual or a group of individuals who have deemed himself to be superior. This master- slave relationship has occurred skin color. this relationship  has also occurred in A Grain of Wheat. Britain is ruled upon Kenyan people. English people and the English language are strongly used, therefor, natives civilization does not understand the English language.

In the context of A Grain of Wheat, both the colonizer and the colonized feel morally, justified in their pursuits, colonialism is ultimately an immoral and oppressive practice, justifying the colonized people's struggle for freedom,even through violent means. 

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