Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Thinking activity : tharror and films on colonial History

  • Shashi Tharoor:-
Shashi Tharoor is an Indian politician, writer and a former career international diplomat who is currently serving as Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, since 2009. He also serves as Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on External Affairs and All India Professionals Congress
  • "An Era of Darkness"

We can see in “An Era of Darkness” Shashi Tharoor gives all the arguments required to established that British colonial rule was terriblel experience for Indians and he does so with a consummate debater’s skill. His book is, in fact, an expanded take on British exploitation of India that famously carried the day for Tharoor in an Oxford debate not too long ago. According to Tharoor, there was nothing redeeming in British rule of our country. What India had to endure under them was  humiliation on a humongous scale and sustained violence of a kind it had never experienced before. In short, British rule was, according to Tharoor, an era of darkness for India, throughout which it suffered several man made famines, wars, racism, deportation of its people to distant lands and economic exploitation on an unprecedented scale. Tharoor even demands a token restitution and public apology from the British for all the harm they had caused India. Tharoor’s debate established and wildly popular in India. Everything the British did in India, Tharoor asserts that it  was for their own benefit and never for that of the Indian.

  •  Ngugi Wa Thiongo's views...
  • The  language of African literature cannot be discussed meaningfully outside the contacts of those social forces which have made it both an issue demanding our earth our attention and problem calling for a resolution. another word imperialism continues to control the economic politics and culturals of Africa.the struggles of African people to liberate their economy politics and culture from that Euro American based stranglehold to usher a new era of true communal self regulation and self determination. the choice of language and the use to which language is put is Central to a people's definition of themselves in relation to their natural and social environment. Africa is still living was a obviously economic and political despite the claims of Bible wielding diplomats but it was a also cultural. African countries as a colonies came to be defined and to define themselves in terms of language of Europe English speaking, French speaking, or Portuguese speaking, African countries. The title conference of African writers of English expression automatically excluded those who wrote in African language. The discussion on the novel The short story poetry and drama are based on extracts from works in English and hence the excluded the main body of work in Swahili ,Zulu ,yoruba Arabic, amharic and other African language. We have question that "what is African literature?" In Africa in mostly people speak English ,French ,Portuguese was assumed to be the natural language of literary and even political meditation between African people in the same Nation and between Nation in Africa and other continents. “The Language of African Literature,” Ngugi deals with this relationship by returning to the colonial history by which English was substituted for indigenous Kenyan language, and particularly with respect to literature as the title of the chapter suggests. For Ngugi, the detrimental impact of colonization and imperialism extend all the way down to the very language that is used by certain authors. This is the case, says Ngugi, because of the inherent nature of language which carries within itself a whole world of references and values that are specific to the culture from which it originates. And it is for this reason that Ngũgĩwould argue for the revival of literature written in indigenous African languages since the literature of Europe is inseparable from the racist images and stereotypes that perpetuate the false ideology of European superiority over the African continent as a whole.

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