Friday, September 20, 2019

Movie review : charlie chaplin's

Movie Review : Charlie Chaplin's The Modern Time


      We screening the movie charlie Chaplin's movie about The Modern Time.So,lets we discuss about this movie and my review about the movie.

       Literature is also relate some time movie and movie help to us some different idea and difficulties in our life,study,even get knowledge also.

        This movie director and hero both are same.Charlie Chaplin is most famous and good comedy man in the modern time.Charlie Chaplin's The Modern Time movie released in 1936. In this movie we can see starting with the clock.This movie describe sheep-ale type people.In this full movie we can see about the modernity and how people react about it.In this time people have not job thus they always ready to find job.

     In this movie we can see about jobless burglary,capitalism,the modern people like sheeple,loss of freedom and other various things.During this time Industrialism is very important people like to work anytime anywhere.All the machine controlled by the group of the people.

     The modernity in Machine :

      In this movie we see the modern machine made by some people and they gift to boss.Then they try to give Demo with charlie Chaplin.In middle time of experiment machine became bad thus effect became bad on The Charlie Chaplin.People do not controlled the machine.This scene is very interesting and comedy scene in this time.During this time this things are very interesting because this time we can not look this ideal work.

      Here we can see the class conflict also.The high people try the experiment on workers.This different try to give idea about it.

        The modern people are compared with domestic animals. In the following scene there are modern people leaving the public station. Now the life of modern people seems quite similar with the life of domestic animal. Domestic animals are controlled by their master. In the same way modern people are controlled by new system. It symbolizes that modern people become a part of this new system. The idea of loss of freedom is given by Charlie Chaplin in this scene.

         In this movie we can find the things about the life style. Charlie Chaplin he thinks about the good life with his partner.Dream he saw that  he lives good life and rich life.He also get job and became routine life is good than real life.He lost various job and get also this are some changes in his life.This is good idea...

    In this movie last scene describes about totally calm in the city and street and footpath also.In last pic give idea about it.

       This Scene we can see that hero and the heroine walking with on the path.The scene became in Sunset time and attractive scene.Path is blank thus we can focus the character.Both are describe they go in start new life this type idea gives this picture.


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