Sunday, March 8, 2020

Themes : A Grain of wheat assignment paper 14

Name : Rathod Nirali j.
Paper no : 14 African Literature
Topic: Themes: A Grain of Wheat ( By Ngugi Wa Thiongo)

Themes: A Grain of Wheat

Unity and the idea of ‘Independence and freedom’

When kihika talks about Kenyan independence, he says that what is needed is unity. Unity is the strength of the people against the weapons and strength of the British. The novel explores the idea of unity. Extending it to include community in individuals’ personal lives as well as political lives. The opposite of unity is isolation, and focusing on the self instead of focusing on the community. Mugo ultimately destroys himself through his own isolation. He has no family or sense of an extension of himself into the community of Thabai and Kenya. Mugo only wants to be left alone. However, no man is an island. No man can exist only for himself, because he must live in the world. Mugo does not realize that he is in the same position as the other black people of Kenya. He is part of community, whether he wants to be or not. When he goes to see Thompson with the information about kihika, Mugo is confronted with the reality. Thompson sees Mugo only as one of the black men of Kenya. He sees him as a liar, trying to trick the government guards into a trap, perhaps. The moment when Thompson spits in mugo’s face is moment of revelation for Mugo. He is one of he black men of Kenya, and he has just betrayed himself.
Unity is not something Mugo has chosen; he is united with others through oppression.
Mugo and karanja both choose a path for their individual good. Instead of one for the community as a whole. This is what  Wambuku wants from kihika. She wants him to focus on her alone and not leave her, much as karanja decides to join the guards so that he will never be forced to leave Mumbi. She does not understand his need to fight, not for himself or not her but for the united community.

Confession and communication-‘ universal experience’
In ‘A Grain of wheat’ confession is the key for individuals to relieve their own minds and hearts, and also the key for individuals to make a life together and open up communication, which is a cornerstone of unity. throughout the Novel, characters are driven to confess their own experiences and truths to others, in order to ease themselves. This confession does not necessarily create a connection with another human, but it does help characters deal with their own problems. It is a first step toward understanding and ultimate unity.
Dr. Lyand confesses her traumatic experience and the death of her dog to Thompson. She does not understand what has happened to her fully, through because she only sees her own perspective. Communication with koina is completely cut off. He sees the event from  a completely different perspective. Like Gikonyo and Mumbi, koina and Lynd each hold their individual realities within themselves, and because they never communicate, they can never be reconciled. They hold their own realities to themselves, instead of confessing to each other. Mumbi and Gikonyo both confess their stories to Mugo. They not communicate with each other, and so they remain torn apart. Only at the end of the novel, when Gikonyo indicates a willingness to discuss a mumbi’s child, does the possibility for reconciliation exist. Communication is what creates this possibility. Mugo as well as, is driven to confession. He tears himself up by carrying his own guilt. when he realses himself. Confession allows him to heal. He is saved, spiritually, although he must face a punishment of death.
Culture and perspective
The characters is the novel each see Kenya and uhuru from individual unique perspectives. They, however can not fully see each other’s truth and each other’ lives. The biggest divisions that separate them are those of culture. The white upper class is British. They bring with them not only British. They bring with them not only British culture. Culture is what Thompson upon Africa, and he sees British culture as the height of human accomplishment. He does not truly understand that the Kenyans also have a culture, and he cannot accept that the culture of Kenyans could be equivalent in value to the culture of British.

Role of Journalism assignment paper 15

  Name : Rathod Nirali j.
  Emil id :
 Paper: 15“Mass communication and Media           studies”
 Topic: Role of Journalism

Introduction :

In simple word we can say that journalism means to provide news, to write reports and articles for newspaper, magazines and that kind of simple stuff but is  a general definition in simple sense and words.
Journalism is the practice of investigation and reporting of events, issue and trends to a broad audience in a timely fashion.
Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information. It is also the product of these activities.

Journalism can be distinguished from other activities and products by certain identifiable characteristics and practices. These elements not only separate journalism from other forms of communication, they are what make it indispensable to democratic societies. History reveals that the more democratic a society, the more news and information it tends to have.

“The purpose of journalism,” write Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel in The Elements of Journalism, “is not defined by technology, nor by journalists or the techniques they employ.” Rather, “the principles and purpose of journalism are defined by something more basic: the function news plays in the lives of people.”

News is that part of communication that keeps us informed of the changing events, issues, and characters in the world outside. Though it may be interesting or even entertaining, the foremost value of news is as a utility to empower the informed.
The purpose of journalism is thus to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments.‘Traditional media - like newspapers, radio or TV – are on a scary roller-coaster ride. They are struggling with a loss of audience, revenue and attention. Journalists are facing, like many other professions and industries, a digitalization of their business.

Journalists are also facing an era of active citizens and are overstrained. They not only need to understand the new public and their newly adopted behavior.
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The most important function of journalism is to convey information.
 Journalism also acts as a two-way channel between the public and policymakers.
On the one hand, journalism conveys information to the citizens about what is happening in society. On the other hand, journalism lets the policymakers know what kinds of effects their previous decisions have had and what kinds of decisions have been made elsewhere. Journalism also lets the policymakers
know what the public expects of them.
In addition to conveying information, good journalism also interprets the world. Journalism explains things and phenomena in an easy and accessible way, describes the cause-effect-relationships of events and provides background information on issues and decisions.

Journalism brings the events close to people’s everyday lives and shows
what kind of an impact they have on a regular citizen’s life.
Journalism’s functions also include the creation of a sense of solidarity in society, which can happen for example through large newsworthy events. Also, by establishing solidarity, journalism also aims to maintain peace in society.

Nowadays people’s consumption of media is not consistent. Instead, people tend to collect information from different sources. That is why ever larger news events are needed to affect people collectively. Assassinations, wars and acts of terrorism feel like turning points in history largely because of their wide news coverage.
    Media has the power both to blow things out of proportion and to sweep them under the rug. Widely covered events become a part of history, and the audience following the events feel that they are experiencing a historical event.
Journalism also tries to whet people’s appetite for learning new things. Journalism entertains, evokes emotion and experiences. It offers new perspectives and stories which people can relate to.
   The profession of journalism is a public and social occupation. Journalists as professionals both support and sustain the credibility of the decision-making system and maintain its functions. The role of a journalist and their position in relation to the use of social power is, however, a more complicated question.
          The most important values of a journalist are impartiality, independence of commercial and political interests and responsibility.

Thus, even if a journalist handles social issues, s/he must not strive to be a political force. A reporter can present pointed opinions, but it has to be done separately from news work. Otherwise the credibility of the reporter as an independent conveyor of information is undermined and the audience can easily begin to respond to everything that the journalist in question does as biased. as contributors, but they also need to understand the audiences' desire to collaborate with journalists.

One solution of how this collaboration could look like is Networked Journalism, a concept where professionals and amateurs are working together to get the real story, linking to each other across brands and old boundaries to share facts, questions, answers, ideas, and perspectives.

Types of journalism:

Journalism helps to explain the events that impact our lives and is developed in a number of forms and styles uses different techniques and writes for different purposes and audiences. So Journalism can be categorized into several types as enlisted below.
Now let’s elucidate these types in detail.

  Advocacy Journalism    :

Advocacy journalism deals with writing to advocate particular viewpoints or influence the opinions of the audience. It also describes the use of journalism techniques to promote a specific political or social cause. Under this branch, journalists are openly biased towards a particular entity while reporting events or happenings. The information they convey is mostly one sided and tends to defend the specific entity. Most advocacy journalists believe that in their profession, one is very likely to become partial. As a constant follower of any story, it is difficult to stay detached. You eventually will develop an opinion! So instead of trying to be indifferent, one might as well report from his point of view.

Broadcast Journalism :

Journalism which is the field of news and journals which are broadcast or in other words we can say that it is published by electrical methods, instead of the older methods such as printed newspapers and posters. Radio and television broadcasts are designed to get the news out to a wide variety of people in language that is much less formal than traditional print media.

Investigative journalism:

Investigative journalism can be defined a type of journalism that tries to discover information of public interest that someone is trying to hide. it also includes serious crimes, political corruption or corporate wrongdoing. an investigative journalist may spend months or years researching and preparing a report.

Tabloid Journalism:

It is very much important type of journalism. Tabloid journalism is a newspaper of small format giving the news is condensed form, usually with illustrated often sensational material. so it puts more stress on crime stories, astrology, gossip columns about the personal lives of celebrities and sports stars and junk food news. And it is this sense of the word that led to some entertainment news programs to be called tabloid television.

Yellow Journalism:

It is one of the most significant types of journalism which highlights little or no legitimate well researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Yellow journalism is also known as sensationalism and it is writing which emphasizes exaggerated claims or rumors.

Moreover, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion and Campbell (2001) defines yellow press newspapers as having daily multicolumn front page headlines covering a variety of topics, such as sports and scandal, using bold layouts, heavy reliance or unnamed sources, and unabashed self promotions. And the term was extensively used to describe certain major New York City newspapers about 1900 as they battled for circulation.

Conclusion :
Journalism is the production and distribution report on events. The world journalism applies to the occupation, as well as citizen journalists who gather and publish information. Journalistic media include print, television, radio, internet, and in the past newsreels.
This monograph will explore the empirical and theoretical ramifications of journalism as social media, specifically “ Journalism as process.”

Themes and symbol in the DA vinci Code Assignment paper 13

Name: Rathod Nirali j.
Paper:  13 New Literature
Topic: Themes and Symbol in The DA Vinci Code
Email id :
Submitted to: S.B.Gardi Department of English

Themes and Symbol in The DA Vinci Code :

The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown is a rather unique book. It doesn’t just have one theme; it has many different unique themes and motifs, which are shown in different ways. He demonstrates the conflict between faith and science, as well as the subjectivity of history. The Da Vinci Code is a perfect example of how the themes in a piece of work don’t necessarily have to be meaningless; we can learn significant life lessons from anywhere. 

The False Conflict between Faith and Knowledge

Dan Brown refuses to accept the idea that faith in God is rooted in ignorance of the truth. The ignorance that the Church has sometimes advocated is embodied in the character of Bishop Aringarosa, who does not think the Church should be involved in scientific investigation

“Faith - acceptance of which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.”

 According to The Da Vinci Code, the Church has also enforced ignorance about the existence of the descendants of Jesus. Although at one point in the novel Langdon says that perhaps the secrets of the Grail should be preserved in order to allow people to keep their faith, he also thinks that people who truly believe in God will be able to accept the idea that the Bible is full of metaphors, not literal transcripts of the truth. People’s faith, in other words, can withstand the truth. Dan Brown also shows how the church refuses to believe the existence of Jesus’s descendants, and works to rid the world of such evidence by trying to find and destroy the Holy Grail. Through these different stories within the novel Dan Brown shows us a different side of religion and faith:
 “Every faith in the world is based on fabrication... Every religion describes God through metaphor, allegory, and exaggeration, from the early Egyptians through modern Sunday school... Should we wave a flag and tell the Buddhists that we have proof the Buddha did not come from a lotus blossom? Or that Jesus was not born of a literal virgin birth? Those who truly understand their faiths understand the stories are metaphorical.” (Pg. 341-342).

 This novel is a perfect way of showing that each religion is based on an event that may not be quite true, but people who are really getting something out of their religion are the ones that understand that their religion could be based on a metaphor or a fabrication.

The Subjectivity of History

“History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books-books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe. As Napoleon once said, what is history, but a fable agreed upon?” (Pg. 256).
The Da Vinci Code raises the question of whether history books necessarily tell the only truth. Dan Brown has incorporated commonly told stories about the past, but has shown modern interpretations of them, that point out small details which lead us to question the version we have always heard. For example, the fresco: The Last Supper; most people have heard that it is a painting of 13 men, and at the end of the supper they all drink out of one glass, the chalice. But, in the story we learn that there is actually one woman in the picture, Mary Magdalene, and that each person has one wine glass. These small details actually mean a lot, and cause us to question other things, such as the pentacle, and Jesus’s life.   Brown provides his own explanation of how the Bible was compiled and of the missing gospels. Langdon even interprets the Disney movie The Little Mermaid, recasting it as an attempt by Disney to show the divine femininity that has been lost. All of these retelling are presented as at least partly true. This novel is just trying to show us how history is just a one sided account, and that we should never fully believe a story, how we should always be looking at it from another side as well, and that we should be constantly trying to interpret the stories we have always heard. 

The Intelligence of Women

Characters in The Da Vinci Code ignore the power of women at their peril. Throughout the novel, Sophie is underestimated. She is able to sneak into the Louvre and give Langdon a secret message, saving him from arrest, because Fache does not believe her to be capable of doing her job. Fache specifically calls Sophie a “female cryptologist” when he is expressing his doubts about Sophie and Langdon’s ability to evade Interpol. When interpreting one of the clues hidden in the rose box, Langdon and Teabing leave Sophie out, completely patronizing her. When she is finally allowed to see the clue, she immediately understands how to interpret it. Sophie saves Langdon from arrest countless times.
Other women are similarly underestimated. Sister Sandrine, in the Church of Saint-Surplice, is a sentry for the Brotherhood, but Silas, indoctrinated in the hyper masculine ways of Opus Dei, does not consider her a threat. And Marie Chauvel, Sophie’s grandmother, manages to live without incident near Rosalyn Chapel for years, preserving her bloodline through Sophie’s brother.


Holy Grail :
The Grail is the symbol of the hidden Spiritual truth of Christianity. In the novel it is not the cup Jesus used at the last supper, as tradition holds. Rather it is something entirely different that would have earth-shattering repercussions in the world if it were revealed. Mary Magdalene, the disciple of Jesus who bore his child. As a symbol of spiritual truth, the Holy Grail also exemplifies the Sacred feminine.

Rose :

Images of rose occur throughout the text. Roses appear as engraved symbols, as supposed decorations, and even as direction leading to the Grail. The Rose is also represented in a more abstract from, such as the pentacle and the star of David. In all cases the rose refers to divine feminine, especially to Mary Magdalene.
Roses are a traditional gift symbolizing romantic love. They have different meanings depending on their color, the white rose is symbolic of innocence and the feminine and the red rose, true love and the masculine, in The a Da Vinci code a pink rose has been used to signify a graceful merging of both feminine and masculine.


Blood stands for truth and enmkbu uni lightenment in The DA Vinci Code. Saunière draws a pentacle—for him, a symbol of the Church’s intention to cover up the true history of the world—on his stomach in his own blood. Sophie realizes that her grandfather has left a message for her on the Mona Lisa because a drop of his blood remains on the floor. Teabing spies a trickle of blood on Silas’s leg, which he takes to mean that Silas has a cilice, a barbed punishment belt, on his thigh, and disables him by hitting him there. Silas himself had thought of blood as truth in a different way—for Silas, blood means cleansing of impurities. And at the very end of the novel, the discovery of the blood of Mary Magdalene running through Sophie and her brother’s veins proves that the story of the Grail is true.

Cell Phones

In a novel that spends a great deal of time interpreting ancient symbols like the pentacle, the chalice, and the rose, the cell phone might seem like an incongruous modern interloper. But the cell phone symbolizes the fact that in the modern world, secrets are both harder and easier to keep. Teabing conceals his identity as the Teacher by using cell phones to communicate with his unknowing allies. In one instance, he even speaks to Silas from the back of the limousine while Silas is in the front, concealing his identity while only feet away. At the same time, however, the characters are often worried about their cell phone use being traced. Fache, for example, at one point figures out that Sophie has tipped Langdon off by looking up her phone number, which is stored in his cell phone, and finding that it matches the number Sophie gave Langdon as the American Embassy’s number.

Monday, March 2, 2020

The old Man and the sea

The old man and The sea by Hemingway

The old man and The sea by Hemingway

 About poet :

“Every man's life ends the same way.
 It is only the details of how he lived 
and how he died that distinguish 
one man from another.”

 American writer -Ernest Hemingway was born in oak park  Illinois , on July,21 1899. We could probably say that an unhappy love  affair and his unhappy experiences in war were motivating factor which made him a great writer.Hemingway wrote  many books. In 1952,after years of works, he brought out 'the old man and the sea 'a tale of  struggle of a single, old fisherman against the power of fate and ocean. It was the story he had been trying to write all his life and brought him to the Pulitzer prize in 1953.

The old man and The sea.

 The Old man and The Sea is the story of a battle Between an old experienced Cuban fisherman and a large Marlin. The novel opens with the explanation that fisherman, who is named Santiago, has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish. Santiago is considered Salao, the worst for of unlucky. In fact, he is so unlucky that his young friend, manolin has been forbidden by his parents to sail with Old Man and been ordered to fish with more successful fishermen.

The boy visits Santiago's shack each night, hauling back his fishing gear, getting him food and discussing American baseball especially his player Di Maggio, Santiago tells Manolin that on the next day, he will sail far out into the Gulf to fish, confident that his unlucky streak is near its end. Thus, Santiago sets out alone, taking his skiff far onto the Gulf. He sets his lines and by noon of the first day, a big fish that surely is a marlin takes his bait.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Web Quest Harry Potter

The Web-quest Harry Potter

Harry Potter-Web_Quest

Here is Dr.DilipBarad's Blog about the Web_Quest

My Web Quest

My Rubric

All movie 

Harry pottter is world famous literature and specially in young generation. We could see  many themes like power politics, satire, Moral values, children literature ,fiction literature, fantacy literature,mystery etc.

Name of All Series
            Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)

            Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

            Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

            Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)

            Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

            Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (2010)

            Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011)


  • Feminist Reading of Hermione and other female characters in Harry Potter
Feminist  reading of female characters of  Harry Potter especially in the character of Hermione Granger. In Harry potter Hermione is much intelligent and capable than Harry and Ron. Hermione is very strong and very intellectual and also very good in magic in compare to Harry and Ron, we can see in many circumstances that Hermione teaches how to do magic to male friends. It is clear that Harry and Ron  not have survived without her but it feels like she is being used more as a useful tool than a real person. We do  not find deep character development of Hermione. It is hard to understand what her ambitions are. Family background of Hermione is also not depicted. She belongs to Mud Blood it means lower cast in Magical world.
  • Children’s Literature and Harry Potter: How far does J K Rowling transcends the canonical confines of children’s literature and claims the heights of ‘real’ literature?
    • Children's literature defines it as "all books written for children, excluding works such as comic books, joke books, cartoon books, and non-fiction works that are not intended to be read from front to back, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference materials”. However, others would argue that comics should also be included: "Children's Literature studies has traditionally treated comics fitfully and superficially despite the importance of comics as a global phenomenon associated with children".

    • It was not only a revolution in the world of fantasy novels, it also changed our childhood memories of wizards and how we fantasized their being. Young readers were introduced to a whole new dictionary of magic and fantasies. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley became overnight sensations. Harry Potter books grabbed the attention of young readers and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Rowling's first of the series Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone found immense popularity among
       readers and became a critically acclaimed, young adult literature.Harry Potter tell abut the Friendship, break rules,love, family etc.
  • The theme of Choice and Chance: How does Harry Potter discusses the antithetical concepts of ‘choice’ and ‘chance’?
    • In Rowling's world, as in the real world, choice and chance both can affect the final outcome and results do not come in a neat pre-determined package.However,  the final resolution is that Voldemort's power was destroyed by Harry's conscious self-sacrifice, and that, as Harry tells Voldemort in the end, was no "accident." Based on the words of Dumbledore and Voldemort, Rowling would also come down on the side of choice, not chance.Harry Potter novels bring to awareness two fundamental aspects of the human condition: the importance of one’s choices and the inevitability of one’s mortality It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities

  • Confronting reality by reading fantasy:
    Fantasy is a form of literary genre in which a plot cannot occur in the real world. Its plot usually involves witchcraft or magic, taking place on an undiscovered planet of an unknown world. Its overall theme and setting involve a combination of technology, architecture, and language, which sometimes resemble European medieval ages. The most interesting thing about fantasies is that their plot involves witches, sorcerers, mythical and animal creatures talking like humans, and other things that never happen in real life
     Potter books are not Reality, they are Fantasy. As Fantasy, they pose no threat to anyone who reads them, even to the most enthusiastic. Because the stories are just Fantasy, they will not cause anyone to actually go into Witchcraft.
     Adults see in Harry Potter a fairly conventional supernatural adventure story
     Harry is being raised by an aunt and uncle who are dumb, stiff and uncomprehending and who treat him with stingy cruelty.

  • The theme of Love and Death: How does Harry Potter make use of age old theme of Love of the dead as well as living as protecting armour? How does Harry Potter deal with the concept of Death as something inevitable?
    • Love and death are major themes in J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter books. She herself has said in a recent interview in recent interview in The Tatler magazine that “My books are largely about death.”
      Love is a deep, powerful, and ineffable emotion of attachment to, and affection for, another being or beings
      Death is obviously big in Harry Potter. Death initiates the core conflict of the series; death escalates in each text; death creates the tool by which Harry can defeat Voldemort; and death resolves the conflict in the end, since Voldemort’s death is the end of the war itself. Death recurs throughout the series, but recurrence is not enough to constitute a theme.


Learning outcome and Annotated bibliography

The white tiger from NiraliRathod2