Saturday, October 12, 2019

Thinking activity : vinod joshi task

Sairandhri by Vinod joshi

           Vinod joshi is a post modern poet, writer and critic. He has amazing skill of arrangement of word in Gujarati language. He got many award's like Narshimehta award, Kalapi Award...etc. He has more knowledge about grammar structure, vocabulary and references. His one of the famous poem " Shikhandi " based on Mahabarata. Here I want to share my view on his Prabanth form poem " Sairandhri " based on character of Draupadi in Mahabharata. This poem was growing in Australia.


          He published this poem in 2018.This metrical poem composed in prabandha form with seven cantos, 49 chapters and 1800 lines. It is based on Draupadi, one of the characters of Hindu epic Mahabharata. Here poet tried to explain Draupadi's feeling and thoughts. As a part of languages I can find that poet used figurative language, personification, meters, Chopai and Dohra in ' Sairandhri '. Here poet used Shrigar rasa also. Moreover I added that ' language always applied and each language has own valluations '. Normally creation of poem is reflection of poet's thoughts and reflection of background language. So here Vinod joshi born in rural area so He handed down his rural words in poem.


          We know that this poem based on Mahabharta. In Mahabharata one part of ' Virat Parva '. It's call ' Agnat Vas ' which living into hidden form and without self-sameness wherever. Here question is that What's purpose of remaining in hidden way ? Draupadi was daughter of king Drupad. She known with variuos name into  Mahabharta like as Krishna, Yagnaseni, Paanchali...etc. Behind her name responsible various story and problem. But here Vinod Joshi presented droupadi as lover of Karna. As a queen of Hastinapur Draupadi How she became Dashi during in Agnat Vas? and How she faced various problem in her life ?.  It's very interesting way interpreted by him.

Loss identity :-

          Generally We find that Human being has hidden ambition of fame and power position. People many time work for praise and promotion. Even government make strictly rule of Adhar card. Government work to think about public identity. Why need identity in nowadays ? People prefer to die for save indistinguishably. Here Sairandhi has not proper one identity. She played vital roll in Mahabharata without one certain identity. She loss her identity with sacrifice of body for five male pandavas. Is it right for her ?  Same as happening in our present life also. When we separate away from our selves at that time we lost our root form and personal identity. In Mahabharta She don't raise question for her identity who has not freedom to express own desire. She can't protect herself with praise. In the poem she was powerful woman described by him. This poem explain about only one woman condition,emotions and feelings, not included male character here.

Love for Karna :-

          In the poem different way interpreted love story of  Sairandhri and karna rather than Mahabharta's story. This poem represented that her first choice for love is Karna and second choice is Arjuna. So here Karna & Droupadi both are love each other but they don't share publicly. Same condition we find in our society. Many time young boy and girl has not proper platform to said who is their true lover ? Then they chose bad way for satisfaction. As a woman it is difficult task to say in Indian family . So here both are remain with hidden themselves. They don't tell to other about relationship. Karna was brave man although he had hidden his ownership. Poet's one objects of the create poem is that woman has to power to fight without hesitation.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Youth festival

   Welcome to my blog. Here Iam going to share my experience about 29th Inter college Youth festival Rang Mohan 2019 at Maharaja KrishnKumarSinhji Bhavnagar university, Gujarat, India.  And also discussed some critical points about drama,poetry and etc; Throughout 26 to 28 September competition are going on. In the date 25 ,'kalayatra' at Shamaldas college to Sardar Patel institute.

     In kalayatra all the  participate college's came  with various theme. Based on the theme three numbers are given.   This  Youth festival is celebrated as Mahatma Gandhi's 150th birth anniversary. So in kalayatra each and every college select theme on gandhian thoughts except one or two college other theme that also related to Gandhi.

  •  1. Theme of 'kalayatra' :
 - My life is my message
 - Divine journey if Mohan to Mahatma
 - My dream India
 - Equality in justice
 - Where I am ?
 - New India
 - 11Mahavrata given by Gandhi, etc:

     Here you can see more pictures of kalayatra and video:

  •   2. Major themes in dramatic events like one act play, skit,Mime, Monoacting.
      In youth Festival many dramatic events are there . In which students came with various theme like :

  •      One of the one act play theme is ' artificial intelligence in which we find that modern view of life . What is most important in our life : rational thinking or emotional thinking. Don't be emotional but be rational. This one act play is one of my favourite drama in this youth festival.
  • In which many play we find that religion and social orthodox
  • No use of 21st century's technology
  • Believe in religion rather than doctor and medical treatment
  • Women don't have voice
  • Satire on society, political leaders, people's mentality, thinking, absurdity.
  • Rape scene
  • Domestic violence
  • Untouchability
  • Current problems like Notbandhi, GST, Traffic rules , chandrayan, corruption in India.
  • In Monoacting students came with this type of theme like that :
  • Kasturba's pain for her son
  • Ancient character like Ravana, Ds propounded by many critics on the dramatic events presented in youth festival.
  • 'Manas name gal' with  various example
  • Kalakar ki Katha

>   I'm performed in skit. My experience was good 


Can you apply dramatic literary theories propounded by many critics on the dramatic events presented in youth festival

In youth festival's dramatic events we not find that any specific theories but at some point we can say that theories is there. According to Aristotle the aim of tregedy is to bring about ' catharsis' . I think each and every one act play we feel the pity and fear for character ,so catharsis is there in youth festival .
And also Aristotle talk about six elements about tregedy like that: plot, character, diction, thought, spectacle, song( music).that all the things used in this one act play.

Here we not find that Ben Johnson's comedy of humour in one act play but in Skeat we find that this type of comic character who present the comedy. And as well as make satire in society.

In Skeat we find that Martin esslin's absurd theatre at some point only not whole.

4. Can you categories one act play or dramatic events as sentimental, anti-sentimental comedy, comedy of manners, classical tragedy, modern tragicomedy or Bollywoodish theatre performance.

    In this youth festival one of the one act play followed classical rules like that unity of time, action and place. That drama is " artificial intelligence".

     And one of the play we find that ending like Romeo and Juliet. The play 'Lakhami' in which the two lover get died at the end. And also in this play plot giigo on story within a story.

     Specially in Skeat we find that charactristic of anti-sentimental comedy like that farce, laughter, Irony, disguise,wit and intelligent humour. Many of Skeat we find that this all charactristic.

    If we talked about Bollywoodish theatre then that is not followed perfectly but at some point we saw that Bollywood features.

5. Poetry :

     In our Youth festival we don't have many events like dramatic events , in poetry. We have only this spot poetry writing.

  • Subject of poetry :
   - kaliyug craves for Gandhi
   - Meera and Radha
   - cleanliness and healthiness
   - Daughter- A glance from father's eyes
   - I am Gujarati

     This five subject given to students for writing poetry. Most of the students who showed his/her interest towards two subject that is  'Meera and Radha' and ' Daughter- a glance from father's eyes.

     Many of the poems theme is Love, sacrifice, Gandhi used as symbol in many poem.

6. Art event : 

    In this art event we find that  cartooning, painting, collage, poster making, claymodeling, installation etc. 

 # pictures of cartooning, painting, collage, poster making:

  # claymodeling :

# Rangoli :

   Not only colour make a rangoli but in this youth festival we find different kinds of rangoli ,

This all the pictures gives us a pleasure.

7. Other events :

  •  Folk dance (Lok nrutya) : 
    In Gujarat famous dance is "Garaba". That is the world famous form of dance. Whatever function going on without 'Garaba' that is never end. In this youth festival we saw that  various styles in garba. Let's see the picture:
  • Singing competition : 
In this competition Lokgeet, Sugamgeet,  group song, solo songs, western solo song and group song. 

    This  event also gives us happiness. Our department's students also participate in this event and many others. Let's see the picture:

     Congratulations to all students who got price or get chance to participate and show their talents.


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Character analysis of " To the lighthouse. "

Character analysis of " To the lighthouse. "

>  introduction : 
                         To the Lighthouse was written by Virginia woolf,1927. the novel centres idea on the Ramsay family and their visits to  the Isle of Skye in scotland between 1910 and 1920.
                      Virginia woolf 's  To the Lighthouse was Landmark for or both author and also development of the novel in England.

> about Virginia woolf : 
                           born into a authority English household in 1882 Virginia woolf boys raised by free thinking parents she began writing as a young girl and and published her first novel the voyage out in 1950.  she wrote modern classics including mrs.Dalloway to the lighthouse and orlando, as well as feminist works. A room of one's own and three Guineas,in her personal depression.she was committed suicide in 1941, at the age of 59.

   From the time of her birth Woolf spent her summers in st.ives a beach town at the southwestrn tip of England. The stephens summer home. Talland house, which was still standing today, looks out of the dramatic porth minster bay and has a view of the god revy lighthouse. Which inspired her writing. In her latter memories Woolf recalled st.ives with a great fondness. In fact, she include scenes from those early summer in to her modernist novel to the lighthouse 1927.

> Literary work :   

              Servel years before marriage leonard, virginia had begin working on her first novel.  The original title is melymbrosia. After 9 years and incalculable drafts, it was related in 1915 as the voyage out virginia Woolf used the book experiment with several literary toots including compelling and abnormal narrative perspective. woolf's bought a used printing press and admitted Hogarth press, their own publishing house operated out of their home Hogarth house. 

  A year after the end of world war,the Woolf's purchased monks house, a cottage in to the village of ramello in 1919, and same year virginia published night and day, a novel set in Edwardian england.woolf's second novel " Night and day" was published in 1919, her famous essay on the contemporary fiction, included in the common reader, in the essay she strongly expresses her discontened with the current from of the novel represent by the noves of Bennett, wells and Galsworthy.her in their novels life escapes because life is not like what they, specially present in their famous novels. 

Woolf's third novel jacob's room was published by Hogarth in 1922. It was bazed on her brother thoby,  it was conside a significant starting from her earlyer novels with its modernist element she met author, poet and landscape gardener vita sackville- west,  the wife of English diplomat harold Nicola. Woolf's and vita began a friendship that developed in to a remain friens until virginia Woolf death.

In 1925, woolf received review for Mr.Dalloway her fourth novels. The story of novel interior Monologues and raised issues of feminism, mentaily illness and homosexuality in post- world war england. A 1998 novel by Michal clunnigham and a 2002 film adaptation.
Most successful novel  to the lighthouse was considered revolutionary for its flaw of consciousness. In the novel explain the subtext of human relationship of the lives ramsay family as they vacation on the Isle of skye in scotland. 

   Woolf found a litrary in sackville west, in the inspiration for woolf's 1928,novel of orlando, which is Follows an English Nobleman who mysteriously becames woman at age of 30 and lives on for over three centuries of English history.  Woolf who recieved critical compliment for the ground breaking work, as well as newfound level of popularity. 

> About novel “ To The Lighthouse " :-

           This book is without a plot ! What story there is can be summarized quickly? Mr. Ramsay is a philosopher and his wife is a famous beauty, both in middle age, are staying with their 8 children and various guests at their summer holiday home the Hebrides, islands off Scotland. Conflicts greens and fall in Part One, especially between Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, but also within individual characters’ minds. We see the migration flow of thought and relationships from various points of view. The day culminate  in a dinner in which union is triumphantly achieved, at least for a moment. In Part Two the things fall apart,time ravage the house, and we learn in passing that Mrs. Ramsay has shockingly died. Also a daughter Prue, has died in childbirth, and a son, Andrew has been killed in First World War. Blackness and anarchy lift at last as the housekeeper got to work on the decrepit house and discuss the family’s coming return. Part Three is a re-visiting of Part One; now Mr. Ramsay is back at the holiday house with some of the remaining children and original guests, including the artist Lily Briscoe. Mrs. Ramsay’s absence is vast, as is the question of how to find union again, and the living characters struggle with both. In the end, a tenuous connection is made of once more between the characters, and between past and present.

> Characters : 

Mrs. Ramsay -  Mr. Ramsay’s wife. She was beautiful and loving woman, Mrs. Ramsay is a wonderful sister who take pride in making memorable experiences for the guest  at the family’s summer home on the Isle of Skye. Affirming traditional gender roles she improvident particular attention on her male guests, who she was believes have Quick egos and requirement support and sympathy. She was beautiful and loving wife but often struggles with her husband’s difficult moods and selfishness. Without Dwindle however, she conquest through these difficult times and ability to make something pregnant and lasting from the most of fact, such as a dinner party.

Mr. Ramsay -  

Mrs. Ramsay’s husband was a metaphysical philosopher. Mr. Ramsay loves his family but often acts like something of a outrageous. He tends to be selfish and savage suitable to his persistent Personal and professional worry . He fears, more than more anything, that his work is craven in the grand intimate put of things and that he will not be recalled by future generations. Well notice of how blessed he is to have such a wonderful family, he never theless tends to punish his wife, children, and guests by demanding their constant sympathy, attention, and support.

> Lily Briscoe -  

A young, single limner who be friends the Ramsays on the Isle of Skye. Like Mr. Ramsay, Lily is  by fright in that her work lack worth. She was begins a phosphoric of Mrs. Ramsay at the beginning of the novel but has trouble finishing it. The opinions of men like Charles Tansley, who darkey that women cannot paint or write,  to under mine her confidence.Free spirit Lily Briscoe is intense, thinking she is in love with the Ramsays, the island, the house and perhaps Paul Rayley. Malice her freedom and disinclination to follow a traditional life, Lily is unsafe about her work and her choices. She grows careful with Charles Tansley, who insists women cannot be artists, and is envious of beautiful and seemingly pacific Mrs. Ramsay, who seem to get everything she wants. Many Years later Mrs. Ramsay's death, Lily returns to Scotland to confront her loss and paint her picture again, this time was finishing it.

> James Ramsay -

  The Ramsays’ youthful son. James loves his mother  feels a murderous aversion toward his father, with whom he must compete for Mrs. Ramsay’s love and emotions. At the beginning of the novel, Mr. Ramsay refuses the 6 year old James’s request to go to the lighthouse, saying that the  will be filthy and not permit it was ten years later, James finally makes the journey with his father and his sister Cam.he has grown into a willful and moody young man who has much in common with his father, whom he detests.

> Paul Rayley -

 A young friend of the Ramsays who visits them on the Isle of Skye. Paul is a kind, impressionable young man who follows Mrs. Ramsay’s wishes in marrying Minta Doyle.

> Minta Doyle - 

 A flighty year young woman who visits the Ramsays on the Isle of Skye. Minta marry Paul Rayley at Mrs. Ramsay’s wishes.

> Charles Tansley -

  A young philosopher and pupil of Mr. Ramsay who stay  with the Ramsays on the Isle of Skye. Tansley is a thorny and unpopular man who  deep regarding his background. He often insult other people, women such as Lily, whose talent and he constantly calls into question. His bad behavior, like Mr. Ramsay’s, is motivation by his need for reinsurance 

> William Bankes - 

 A biologist and old friend of the Ramsays who stay on the Isle of Skye. Bankes is a kind and sweet sounded man whom Mrs. Ramsay hopes will marry Lily Briscoe. Although he never married her, Bankes and Lily  close friends.

> Augustus Carmichael  - 

A using the poet who visits the Ramsays on the Isle of Skye. Carmichael languishes in literary insignificance until his verse becomes popular during the war.

> Andrew Ramsay -  

The oldest of the Ramsays’ sons. Andrew is a competent, independent young man, and he was look forward to a career as a mathematician.

> Jasper Ramsay -  

One of the Ramsays’ sons,Jasper, to his mother’s chagrin, enjoys shooting birds.

> Roger Ramsay -  

One of the Ramsays’ son. Name Roger is wild and adventurous, like his sister Nancy.

> Prue Ramsay -  

The oldest Ramsay girl, a beautiful and pretty young woman. Mrs. Ramsay charm in  Prue’s marriage, which she believes will be ecstatic. 

> Rose Ramsay -  

One of the Ramsays’ daughter. Name Rose has a talent for making things beautiful. She arranges the fruit for her mother’s dinner party and picks out her mother’s jewelry.

> Nancy Ramsay -

  One of the Ramsays’ daughters who Nancy go with Paul Rayley and Minta Doyle on trip to the beach. Like her brother Roger, she is a wild adventurer.

> Cam Ramsay - 

 One of the Ramsays’ daughters. As a young girl. She boat with James and Mr. Ramsay to the lighthouse in the novel’s final section.Cam is defiant turn down to listen to her nurse maid and mother. Like Lily Briscoe, she is independent, but her youth prevent her independence from taking real form. Because of a later she with James to with stand their father's supremacy her objectivity causes conflict between the brother or sister as she  resolve against their father, seeing him at his most charming. She shares in and understands James's pleasure when Mr. Ramsay finally him for his sailing.

> Mrs. McNab -

  An elderly woman who takes care of the Ramsays’ house on the Isle of Skye, it after 10 years of neglect during and after World War 

> Macalister - 

 The fisherman who  the Ramsays to the lighthouse. Macalister relates stories of shipwreck and  adventure to Mr. Ramsay and James on his handling of the boat while James lands it at the lighthouse.

> Macalister’s Boy - 

The fisherman’s boy. He rows James, Cam, and Mr. Ramsay to the lighthouse.


language learning skills

comparison of Hester with various character

symbolism in to the Lighthouse

American orientalism

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Sarojini naydu as a poet

NAME :  Rathod Nirali J. 
Roll no: 33
Paper-4: Indian writing in English
Topic: Sarojini Naydu as poet
Enrolment no: 2069108420190039
Email I’d:
Submitted To: Smt. S. b. Gardi department of English

 Sarojini Naydu as poet


Sarojini Naidu, chottopadhyay. She was an Indian independence activist and poet. She born on in a Bengali Hindu family at Hyderabad . she was educated in Chennai, London and Cambridge. She was married Dr. Govindaraju
Naidu and settled down in Hyderabad. She took part in the national movement, Gandhi and fought for the attainment of swaraj. She became the president of Indian national congress and later she was appointed to the Government of the united province, now shutter Pradesh. Known as the ‘Nightingale of India.’ Naidu was also a noted poet. Her poetry includes children’s poems, nature  poem, poems of love and death. She also wrote poetry in praise of Muslim figures like Imam Hussain. 

She was the eldest of the eight siblings. Her brother virendrananth chattopadhyaya was a revolutionary, and another brother Harindranath was a poet, a dramatist, and an actor.
At the age of 12, she attained national fame. She passed her matriculation examination at madras university. Naidu father wanted her to became a mathematician or scientist, but sarojini naidu was great interested in poetry field. This inherited qualities also she get from her parent. She was quite bright girl, her strong determination and great interest in poetry scared her mind towards poetry writing.
Most of the poets the India presents their poetry in mother tongue only. Those who present poetry in languages other their own have not successeded as sarojini naidu. Few people write poetry in English and in some of them very few people became famous. among them sarojini naidu stand first, her poems are praised not only in India but all over the world. She started writing poem in English. nizam of Hyderabad, offered her scholarship   to study in ,impressed her poetry writing. At very little age, she got experience of study in kings college in London. She also advised o follow the Indian theme for writing poetry by famous laureates, gausse. Her collection at the beginning of contemporary Indian life styles, events, culture .
Marriage life in naidu :
Yovindrajilu, a non Brahmin and doctor by profession was the lover of sarojini at the age of 15, she met him first time, after completing her studies, at  the age of 19. She married him too. during the inter cast marriages not allowed. It was a revolutionary step even her father also gave support to her endeavor. Sarojini had a hsppily married life, she had four children, padmini, jaysurya, randheer and Lellamani.

Sarojini naidu as a poet :

Indian writing in English enters the main stream of modern vernacular literatures. But it really began with the time of reforming . raja ram Mohan roy was out of them. In India out of all celebrated women Mrs. Sarojini name written in the golden words in the field of literature in English poetry. She solved the problems of women in their contempory time. Her birthday is also celebrated as woman’s day. She was written poems on religion, country women’s freedom, culture, tradition and nature also became the main subjects of her poetry. About her life we can also say that: she was the creature of the nature. She was nature poems symbolizes of the suffering of her life. Even in sorrow, that shows herself as a symbol in her poetry writing. Romantic blood also spread in her body:
My ancestors for thousand of year have been lovers of the forest and mountain cave, greater dreamers ,scholar and ascetics. There are all other qualities we go through in her famous works of literature.
At that time, Symons also became very superisable. She founding her one kind of very strong spirit she was in her age, she was elder than her age.
Edmund Gosse said about her. She was child of 16, but was already marvelous in mental maturity amazingly well read and far beyond a western child in All her acquaintance with world.
Some great and imaginative works are sarojini  naidu the golden threshold with an Introduction by Arthur Symons.
 Autumn song
 A rajput love song
 The poet’s love song
  A love song from the north

There are some great works on main theme of love. Romantic poet also a bove some of the selective poems of sarojini naidu, lets glimpse over an example of the poem Ecstasy.
Cover mine eyes, o my love!
Mine eyes that are weary of bliss
As of light is poignant and strong
O silences my Lip weary of song!
Shelter my soul, o my Love!
My lips that are weary of song!
Shelter my soul,o my love!
My soul is beat low with the pain,
And the burden of love, like the grace
Of a flower that is smitten
With rain: o shelter my soul from the face.
This poem is her great passionate and emotion towards the love theme, even she was also most probably symbolism poet. Because we can see in her most of poem is symbolical. Sometime she shows different and her meaning to say is sometimes different. She was also lover of the nature. She also wrote good nature poems and even she also known Urdu, Bengali, telugu, English and Parisian and through the use of all languages, she became her work more better even if she became most famous in the field of politics more than poet. Sarojini’s
Role in the politics.
The nightingale of India was also interested in the field of politics . she played vital role in it. Naidu was the first Indian woman to became the president of the India national congress and the first woman to became the governor of the uttarpradesh state. She was a great patriot, orator, poet and politician of all the famous women of india. She became the most famous heroins of 20th century in the field of politics.
In 1905, in the wake or Bengal, she joined the Indian national movement. She also met Gopal Krishna gokhale, ravindranath tagore, mahumad all jinah ,anni besent raman swami ,gandhiji and Jawaharlal Nehru .
She awakened the woman of India . women’s life is not for the kitchen, they are not born for spending time in a limited area this ideology also highlight by this great woman sarojini naidu. She travelled for woman ‘s right. in 1925, she presides as Indian national congress at Kanpur. She also played very vital role during the civil disobedience movement.
She was jailed along with gandhiji and remarkable leaders. In 1942, she was arrested during quit india movement and was jailed for 21 month, a long time with gandhiji. She shared a very close and friendly relationship with Bapu and used to call him Mickey mouse. After independence she was India’s first woman as a state of governor and after in march 2,1949 the nightingale of the indie, died in office and with this mother India loose her one greatest and sweetest child as, nightingale.
In this way , during her all the life time, she played very vital role in many fields, she was first of all great and very prominent poet, politician, orator, president and strong observer also. She was mingling of many great and unique qualities. Her all them works the golden threshold 1905, through she became the voice of india .about the bird of time, Adam goose remarks her that:
A graver must in, The earlier volume.
After the flute players of brindaban, is also a jevel work of her. The lotus, Awake became their soul of the collection and the poem. Nature poems, patriotic poems, poems on love and death even mystricism of life subjects through she became her work more famous. she had genuine or inherited poetic talent and she was also a authentically single of nightingale of the India even.

We want deeper sincerity of motive, a greater courage in speech and earnestness in action .sarojini naidu…

Oh, we want a new breed of men before India can be cleansed of her disease. 

One needs a seer’s vision and an angle’s voice to be of any avil.

Conclusion:  sarojini naidu was the first women governor of utter Pradesh. On 2nd march 1949, sarojini naidu died at Lucknow, utter Pradesh. She lived her glorious life by her own words. “As long as I have life, as long as blood flows through this arm of mine, I shall not leave the cause of freedom ..i am only a women ,only a poet. But as a woman, I give to yoy the weapons of faith and courage and the weapons of faith and courage and the shield of fortitude. And as a poet, I fling out the banner of song and sound, the bugle call to battle. How shall I kindle the flame which shall waken you men from slavery” her childhood residence at Nampally was bequeathed to the university of Hyderabad by her family and it was christened as ‘The Golden Threshold’ after Naidu’s 1905 publication. The university renamed its school of fine Arts and communication as sarojini naidu school of Arts and communication to honor the Nightingle of India.

John dryden as a critic

The present work deals with the claims of Dryden to be regarded as the father of practical and criticism. We discuss here Dryden as a critic. The theory of dramatic poetry as expound in “An essay of Dramatic poesy"1668 and critically assess the definition of drama .Dryden is the nature and function of poetry. He was the greatest man of letters in his age he was also greatest critic in his country.

INTRODUCTION : john Dryden born on 9th August,1631,At Aldwincle in Northamptonshire.He was educated at Westminster school under the famous headmastership of Dr.Richard Burby.His literary career can be roughly divided into three periods:
The dramatic period lusting till 1680.
The period of his greatest works going up to 1699.
The period of translation and miscellaneous production.

Dryden was the major literary figure both in literature and criticism of during the Restoration and later 17th century, and the most influential critic of the whole century. Criticism during the Jacobean age and the common wealth will fail to justly appraise or even recognize the great works of the age. It is an undeveloped genre and the information about literature often consists of a “roll call” authors.
Being a writer as well as a citric, Dryden always wrote criticism to some practical end of concerning own works. Much of his own work besises,he was a professional writer. He is not a nobleman writing for his pleasure to live from his work and in the age he wrote in this meant that he had to find some Parton or other to take him under his protection. As in the critics we have studied up to now, we find in Dryden an interest the general issue of criticism rather than a close reading of particular taxes. He want to rely on both authority and common sense, and often seems at a loss when the two seem to go against each other. we call Dryden a neoclassical critic, just as Boileau,although in fact there are wide differences between them.

Dryden – The Father of English criticism

It was no less exacting a critic than Dr. Johnson who decorated Dryden with the medal of the fatherhood of English criticism. “Dryden”, he wrote, “may be properly considered as the father of English criticism, as the writer who first taught us to determine upon principles the merit of composition.”
Dryden evolved and articulated an impressive body of critical principles for practical literary appreciation and offered good example of descriptive criticism himself. It is said of Augustus that he found Rome brick and left it marble. Sainsbury avers that Dryden’s contribution to English poetry was the same as Augustus’ contribution to Rome. With still more justice we could say that Dryden found English literary criticism “brick” and left it “marble.”

Dryden’s critical Works:  Dryden is truly a versatile man of letter. He was a playwright ,vigorous and fluent prose writer, a great poet, a verse translator and of course, a great literary critic. His literary criticism makes a pretty sizable volume. Much of it, is informal, occasional, self-vindicating ,and, as F.R. Levis terms it in his appreciation of Dr. Johnson  as a critic in a scrutiny number, “dated” Dryden wrote only one formal critical work –the famous essay of Dramatic  Posies. The rest of his critical lives as many as twenty – five critical prefaces to his own works, and a few more prefaces to the works of his contemporaries.

After John Donne and John Milton, John Dryden was the greatest English poet of the seventeenth century. After William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson was the great playwright. And he has no peer as a writer of prose, especially literary criticism as a translator. After Shakespeare, he writes the greatest heroic play of the century. Dryden the poet is best known today as a satirist, although he wrote only two great original satires.

Among them his Essay on dramatic poesy is regarded an important landmark in history of literary criticism. He established himself as a revolutionary critic.
Dryden’s contribution

 Progress and modernity:    Dryden has deep faith on progress and modernity. He objects to the pettiness to the roman comic plot. He finds that roman play lacks in moral instruction in wit, in warmth of love scene. But at the sometime he admire their plot and regularly of structure. He finds fault in ancient writers, but considered them to be the best teacher of the modern.
  Comparative Criticism :  Dryden’s comparative criticism theory is proved revolutionary, before Dryden most of the classist had been conduct to compare modern literature with Greek and Latin, because they were regarded as a perfect model for all time. According to him the critic who accused Shakespeare for his Liberalization in using the dramatic technique had no passion to delve deep in understanding of Shakespearean style. According to him they might not have noticed that “Art is Dynamic not a Static force”


Nature of Poetry:   Dryden upholds Aristotle’s definition of poetry as a process of imitation. It imitates fact past or present, popular beliefs, superstitions & things in their ideal form. Dryden defends Shakespeare’s use of the supernatural founded on popular beliefs. For it is still an imitation though of other men’s fancies. According to him, poetry and painting are not only true imitations of nature but of the best nature a much greater criticism.

Function of poetry:  the final end of poetry, according to Dryden is delight and transport rather than instruction. To realize it, does not merely imitate life, but offers its own of it – a beautiful resemblance of the whole. The poet is neither a teacher nor a bare imitator- a photographer- but a creator. He is one who, with life or nature as his raw material, produces a new thing altogether, resembling the original in its basis but different from it in the super structure – a work of art rather than a copy.

Dramatic Poetry:  Drama claimed most of Dryden’s attention. On the introduction of unpalatable or incredible scene such as batter and death on the stage, he says that death can never be imitated to a just height and it can be avoided. He sees nothing wrong in other physical action – batter, duels and the like.
       Dryden does not subscribe to the accepted interetation the three unities; that the plot should be single, the time of action twenty four hours, and the place the same everywhere. He favors’ the weaving a sub plot into the main plot. He feels that the plot time can be increased a little more to allow for greater maturity of the plot. In the same way, the unity of place cannot be maintained as the time taken by the event of the play determines the location of the scene and the unity of place can be waived. Dryden considers the unites of time and place too rigorous and they leave little scope for the development of plot and character.

Character analysis of gulliver travels

Introduction:  johndhan was born swift was born to lawyer in Dublin 1667 and attended Trinity college. He went on be a politician secretry,a county person, chaplain all of which provided material for his satires about the political and religious corruption of his society. During his brief time in England, swift Alexander pope, and others formed the scribblers club resolving to write books satirizing modern knowledge.

Gulliver’s Travels characters

Lemual Gulliver: A married English surgeon, Gulliver wants nothing to do with domestic life and leave England have adventures in far off lands. he was resourceful, open minded ,adamant about his own truthfulness and remarkably fast learner of new languages. Though Gulliver is gland return to England after his three adventures in Lilliput.
Lemual Gulliver was star and central character of Gulliver travels .he narrates the novel himself, and he was the only genuinely developed character in the whole book.gulliver mentions his wife, mary,in passing as he stays home just long enough to get her pregnant again before high seas. Gulliver is pretty much it when comes to rounded, individual character in this novel. Gulliver is the son of a middle class family in Nottinghamshire, England.
He was studied medicine both in England and the University of Leaden in Holland. Both of these traits come in handy. First Gulliver’s medium class birth means that he is pretty flexible in terms of the social circles he moves in. he always wants to associate himself with “people of Quality”
He also falls relatively easily into conversation with working class people and servants. He really seem to be a kind of Everyman, maybe more resourceful than many but not too brave or powerful.
Second, Gulliver’s interested in languages and customs is the primary engine for his travels. He is good at adapting himself to other cultures. He take a genuine interest in human which makes him the perfect narrator a novel about human nature.
So Gulliver has a genuine interest in people at beginning of the novel. But it sure does not last and by the end of the novel, he is totally over it. The novel about what wretched wastes of space we humans are, it makes sense that the only logical conclusion the end of part elf to other cultures. He takes a genuine interest in human which makes him the perfect narrator a novel about human nature.
So Gulliver has a genuine interest in people at beginning of the novel. But it sure does not last and by the end of the novel, he is totally over it. The novel about what wretched wastes of space we humans are, it makes sense that the only logical conclusion the end of part 4, Gulliver has gone from being a pretty open, flexible kind of guy to being a crazed shut in who can’t stand the smell of his own wife and kids.

MARY BURTON: Gulliver marries Mary Burton in the first chapter of his travels, but he never exactly spends a lot of time with herein fact even though she expressly asks him not to go back sea the end of part of 3 ,he was ,leaving again part 4.gulliver’s return from Houyhnhnm land that he resolves to stay home but not because he’s filled with a strong sense of family. the small and appearance of human seems revolting to him. Mary has borne him children has added to the overall human population is utterly revolting to him.
Mr. JAMES BATES : As with the all characters in Gulliver ‘s Travels expect for the title character,
MR.JAMES BATES exists mainly as a name, without any particularly distinctive traits. Gulliver won’t stop referring to the guy as his “master bates”.

Richard sympson:  Richard sympson is Gulliver’s cousin and he is editor of travels. Gulliver strongly resent sympson’s edits.
The Lilliputians: the inhabitants of Lilliput, the Lilliputians are just a few inches tall. They are engaged in extended battles with their neighbors, the blefuscans.
The Lilliputian king : king of Lilliput, the Lilliput king is initially welcoming, friendly and generous with Gulliver but he grows petulant, vengeful and cold after Gulliver won’t help him enslave the Blefuscians. and many others.

What is Gulliver’s Travels About And Why Should I Care?
When we first start seeing ads for director James Cameron’s CGL extravaganza Avatar, we were like, warrior smurfs? But now that we have seen it, whoa, are we impressed. It is not just the beautiful visual material that kept us riveted to our seats. We were also fascinated by the whole idea of the a vatars: when wheelchair-bound Jakes sully gets to walk, run, and jump using his new better body ? it was as though we were running and jumping for the first time in who knows how long. We take a lot of things for granted in our daily lives. The great thing about science fiction or fantasy is that it can take totally familiar aspects of human experience and show them to us again in a fresh light. Avatar makes basic and running –seem new and remarkable.
But you may be saying to your selves, what does Avatar have to do with Gulliver’s travels? Well, James Cameron is drawing on a long fantasy tradition of bending reality to make ordinary things seem strange and unfamiliar. And Gulliver’s Travels is one of the granddaddies of this genre. Swift take regular topic like political, international relations, math and science, even old age twists them. He makes political differences seem tiny by sending Gulliver to Lilliput and he makes math and science seem airy and far from daily life by floating the island of Laputa overhead. By depicting human customs we take for granted as weird and alien, Gulliver’s we take for granted as weird and alien, Gulliver’s Travels is asking us to look at them again as though for the first time.
But what Gulliver uncovers during his travels is nowhere near as lovely as James Cameron’s Pandora. He finds nearly everything about people- their desires, their interests , even their smell- totally repulsive. Gulliver’s Travels reflects human being back to us in all kinds of creatively disgusting ways. This is a book to read when you are feeling mad at people in general .

Gulliver embarks on four separate voyages in Gulliver’s Travels. There is a storm before every journey. All the four voyages add new perspectives to Gulliver’s life and also give him new opportunities for satirizing the ways of England.
In the first voyage, Gulliver travels to Lilliput, where he is huge and the Lilliputians are small. Initially, the Lilliputians look amiable but the reader soon understands that they are very ridiculers and petty creatures. For “making water” Gulliver gets convicted of treason in the capital –among other “crimes.”
In the second voyage, Gulliver travels to Brobdingnag, which is a land of Giants and he is as small as the Lilliputians were to him. so, naturally, Gulliver is scared but his keepers are surprisingly gentle. He gets humiliated by the king when he is forced to see the difference between how England is and how it ought to be. Gulliver soon understand that he must have been very revolting to the Lilliputians.
In the third voyage, Gulliver travels to Laputa. When he visits the island of Glubdugdribb, he gets the power to call up the death of history. In the land of laputa . the people are over- thinkers and are outrageous in many ways. He also meets the stuldbrugs there, which is basically a race that is blessed with immortality. But Gulliver finds out that they are miserable.
In the fourth voyage, gulliver travels to the land of Houynhnms,  who are horses gifted with a reason. Their coherent, clean, and trouble –free society is contrasted with the foulness and brutality of the yahoos, who are beats in human shape. Gulliver manages to unwillingly come to recognize their human vices. He ends up staying with the Houyhnhnms for many years and gets totally captivated with them to a point that he never wants to leave. when he gets to know that the time has come for him to leave the island. He faints from unhappiness, when he returns to England, Gulliver feels appalled about other humans, including his own family.
Jonathan swift Gulliver’s Travels is an adventure story involving several voyages of Lemuel Gulliver, a ship’s surgeon, who because of a series of mishaps enroots to recognized ports, ends up, instead, on several unknown island living with people and animals of unusual sizes, behaviors, and philosophies, but who, after each adventure, is somehow able to return to his home in England where he recovers from these unusual experience and then set out again on a new voyage.

Conclusion:  The conclusion of Gulliver’s Travels raises        enough issue to deserve being treated separately from the rest of the fourth voyage. A section that includes chapter and a letter from Capt. Gulliver to his cousin sympson, the conclusion is a disturbingly unsettled narrative, filtering experience through Gulliver ‘s increasingly exacerbated vision. From the moment he becomes attached to the Houyhnhnms, there seems to be no complacent, unknowing self. Yet his attachment to his memories gives Gulliver’s character a degree of moral and psychological ambiguity that is not evident earlier in the voyages. Gulliver is unable to reconcile himself to his wife, family, friends or country, but it is impossible to say with certainly whether his misanthropy is the outcome of idealism or wounded pride. The former quality is apparent in his eloquent attack on European imperialism. The latter in the histrionic exaggeration of his claims for the moral efficacy of his travels.

Dr. Faustus as a tragedy

Introduction:  Christopher Marlowe’s play Doctor Faustus portrays the titular character on a pursuit of knowledge that ultimately leads his downfall. Faustus makes an error of judgment in making a pact with Lucifer, which brings about not only his death but the to damnation of his soul.
The Tragical history of his life and death of doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus is Elizabethan tragedy by Christopher marlow,based on German story .
The title character faust,that was written sometime between 1589 and 1592, and night have been performed between 1592 and Marlow’s death in 1593.two different versions of the play were published in Jacobean era, several Jeers later.
Introduction of the Author  : 
                                                     Christopher Marlow also known as kit Marlow. Marlow has born in 26 Feb, 1564, Canterbury Kent, England. He was an English playwright poet and translator of the Elizabethan era.marlowe was the foremost Elizabethan tragedian of his day. He greatly influenced William Shakespeare, who was born in the same year as Marlow region of Elizabeth .
His father john Marlow was a shoemaker and the family must have been quite well because Christopher was sent to kings school. When Christopher Marlowe was born Canterbury probably had a population of over 4,000. It would seen no more than a village but by Elizabethan standards it was a respectable.
In the 16th century England the renaissance. The cultural movement that revived interest in classical art and literature reached England.
However England is deeply divided in the 16th century. Introduced a moderate Protestantism.

What is tragedy:
                                          “ A tragedy, then, is the imitation of an action that is serious and also, as having magnitude, complete in itself, in language with pleasurable access sories,each kind brought in separately in the parts of the work; in a dramatic, not in a narrative form; within cadets arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish its catharsis of such emotions.” By Aristotle….
Tragedy is a form of drama based on human suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in audience. Many culture have developed forms that provoke this paradoxical response, the term tragedy often refers to a specific tradition of drama has played unique and important role historically in the self definition of western civilization.

Dr Faustus as a tragedy 
                                         Tragedy is defined as a drama and literary thing in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers sorrow especially as a consequence of tragic flaw, moral weakness or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances. In this play “DOCTOR FAUSTUS” Marlowe present his main character as a tragic hero.
Understanding of Christopher Marlowe’s Elizabethan tragedy, Dr Faustus , can be framed in term of the renaissance philosophy and the Elizabethan  tragedy ,which take a different turn some points from the Aristotelian tragedy, for instance death of the tragic hero. Dr. Faustus demonstrates the renaissance philosophy that pits the dichotomy of good angelic humanity against evil. Marlowe’s play is a model of the Elizabethan tragedy.
Marlowe constructed the character of Dr. Faustus to represent within himself both characteristics of the renaissance view of humanity as divinely good and helishphly evil. First, Dr Faustus is presented as a scholar of all things including divinity, the highest Renaissance scholarly discipline. Then, Faustus is shown as dissatisfied with the limitations of humanity and grasping for unlimited knowledge, which is Biblical allusion to Adam and Eve who ate of the Tree of knowledge. Throughout the play .Faustus descends to lower and lower planes of knowledge in his pursuit for the “power” and “omnipotence” that come from knowledge. Dr. Faustus also represent classic Elizabethan tragedy. First the tragic hero has a flaw or makes an error in judgment that lead to his own doom. It’s hard to say whether Faustus had a fatal flaw in his character or whether he is doomed by a faulty understanding that lead to a fatally disastrous error of judgment. All along the way, Faustus has doubts and hesitatation which speaks for a integrity of his moral character .he did not reckon the power of evil highly enough, that he thought that with omnipotent knowledge he could free himself from the chains of evil around himself.

Dr Faustus as a Tragic Hero:   Drama is always relies on the character as well as character in action. Drama is dialogues and actions, drama take a figure of Tragedy, comedy, Tragic and etc. if certain dialogues and action as  expression are solemnly depicted on the stage, it make the main character of the drama as a tragic one. Dramatist’s treatment with hero makes him serious as well as so much pathetic that one should say that is tragic drama.
                  The term ‘Tragedy ‘encompasses certain point that are hamartia, catharsis, sensational incidents, and sudden panic and at the end death is the ultimate reality. Whether Dr.Faustus by Christopher Marlowe is tragic or not perplexes us, because the play is old as well as very relevant to modern times. Which concept should be applied to it? Common man is the chief character in the new generation. Aristotle asserts that the hero should be good, realistic, moral man while modern perspective is something different. Good and evil qualities are the sign of modern drama.
Dr.Faustus is, somehow, not too much good & bed. He is an amalgam of good and evil qualities. His mind is more compelled towards evil path. So it is now enough easy to prove him as a tragic hero.
The debate regarding “Dr.Faustus” as a tragic drama is taken into consideration because it taken into clash between Age of Renaissance and medieval age, morality, several Christian concepts, values and worldly knowledge which is divinely oriented, Extreme hunger of gaining.
Faustus was indeed, intelligent, knowledgeable, philosopher because he read most of the books but he was not a truly moral man. He aspires to utilize his power, plumb the any story of the universe and to remakes the map of Europe. Marlowe has made him the tragic hero by Christian concepts but not from modern perspective. He wants to try to enhance Faustus great pang and pain by Christian values. If we see in history of literature countable dramatist might have shown a tragic downfall of the protagonist who has knowledge of the world no doubt he so patients but his horizons seems narrow. Everything is possible to him but his yearning is somehow sapped.
In the age of Renaissance god was replaced by men and Faustus has rejected the importance of god. He favors of men that should be at the center. Even being a man of Renaissance, Faustus is a modern example of the current age.
Faustus fearful mind starts creating illusion of Christ’s blood. He dreams that god would forgive him but that was out of control. He is clearly wrecked with remorse, yet he is not longer seemed to be able atone for. Faustus cannot bear the reality. He does not wish to die. He becomes like a madman. There is a failure of Christianity at the end of the drama because Faustus fails to repent. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The task on August patriotism and religious fervour

August: Revolution:-August :

August :
Revolution's are usually political in their nature.they make something change or new. In the revolutions include..
• fighting,
• civil unrest
In August month we celebrated..
• "Independence Day "  we celebrated freedom of India from British rules. On August 15, the Việt Minh immediately launched the insurrection which they had already prepared for a long time. 'People's Revolutionary Committees' across the countryside took over administrative positions, often acting on their own initiative, while in the cities the Japanese stood by as the Vietnamese took control.
 August month is not only month of revolutions but also is month of religious festivals.

August: religious festival:-
    In August we celebrated the festival sitla Satam it festival of God and godess. In this month People celebrated sitla Satam and they believe in God blindly.   August is month of Sharavan based on Indian calendar, Rakhshabandhan, Janmashtmi pateti and Parsi New year, Bakri id, Mokat Guri vrat, ekadashi..

 Patriotism is the older of the two words with published written evidence dating back to the middle of the 17th century. Patriotism came from adding the suffix of -ism to the existing word patriot, which itself came into English from the French patriote and may be traced back further to the Greek word patrios. It's means “of one’s father”.

 In U.S. usage nationalism is now perhaps most frequently associated with white nationalism, and has considerably negative connotations. Indian nationalism is an instance of territorial nationalism, inclusive of all its people, despite their diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds

Partition by W.H.Auden:-
   'Partition' poem  described a British civil servant who must decide how to divide Indian land between Muslims and Hindus who hate each other. To prevent further conflict between the two groups, the British government has appointed this unnamed functionary to decide which lands will belong to which group.  Auden’s poem obviously deals primarily with this particular situation, the poem is also relevant to many other recent territorial disputes between conflicting religious or ethnic groups.  

Learning outcome and Annotated bibliography

The white tiger from NiraliRathod2