1) In the 18th and 19th centuries there were many people felt that novel reading is waste of time. There were many reasons behind this belief. One of them was Plato's influence who believed that, "LITERATURE IS AN IMITATION OF AN IMITATION". The perfect example is the hollywood film 'Harry Pottet'. There is a magical world which is shown by direct and it is his imitation. The movie is drive us away from reality. When we look it from the Plato's point of view we feel that aesthetic pleasure but it's not reality. So it has morally improper.
2) Othello is the best example which followed the Aristotlelian literary tradition. The tragedy evoked pity and terror in the audience; it was catharsis, or washing clean of the soul. Othello is about as near as Shakespeare gets to classical tragedy.
3) According to Aristotle the tragic hero is defined by five main characteristics,
* tragic hero is born in nobility
* tragic hero possesses hamartia which leads to his downfall.
* hero experiences peripetria.
* action of tragic hero result in an increased self awareness and knowledge.
* audience must feel pity sympathy or fear for the character.
Captain Ahab was not born in nobility. He is not possesses increased self awareness. Instead his hamartia leads to his death. In the end Ahab only qualifies as a tragic hero under one or two of Aristotle's characteristics. So we can say that this is not follow the Aristotlelian theory.
4) I studied 'All my sons'. Joe Keller is the protagonist of the play. His sense of guilt drives him to suicide and before taking his life, he refers to his son Larry's statement that he was ending his life to make amends for the twenty-one pilots,who met their end by using the cracked cylinder heads dispatched from the factory of Joe Keller. All my son's is the conflict between family loyalities and the social responsibilities.
5) The plot is fairly unified,focusing on Othello and his fate,and dealing with other people and events only in so far as they are relevant to his focus. Aristotle proposed the tragic unities of place,time and action. A morden interpretation would say that Ohello's tragic flaw was that he had internalized,that is taken into himself, the prejudices of those who surrounded him.